The world's first Ethereum OS

Mobile devices as permissionless as the internet

Decentralized Messaging
No Platform

System-level Wallet
Onboard Light Node
Decentralized Payments
ENS Integration

Ethereum, in your pocket.

A decentralized web cannot depend on centralized operating systems.

“Best templates and support out there! ... They provide detailed videos showing how to overcome any complex matters. Would highly recommend!”

Sarah Conor
Web Developer and Senior Designer

“I bought a template, its goooood, i needed help at some point, and it was quick and to the point. Im satisfied”

Sarah Conor
Web Developer and Senior Designer

The ethOS Phone


Pre-loaded hardware

Skip the technical process of flashing your own device, and order the ethOS Phone direct from the team.

Bring your own device

Use our simple web installer
Install once and receive future updates over-the-air. Join our Discord for feedback or bugs.
Build for the Pixel 7a is coming soon.

Develop apps for ethOS.

Want to join the dApp store? Start building with the docs & fill the form below to get approved!

Mint a phone

Be the first to know when we launch our next batch of phones.

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Core team


Builder, Scientist, NFT Collector, YCS17, ⌐◨-◨, Author of ΞPhone Manifesto


Android engineer, Embedded systems enthusiast, Co-founder


Builder, Ex-military, Lead dev, Co-Founder


Builder, Designer, Android Developer


Builder, Operations, Marketing




Builder, Community manager, YCS17

Frequently asked questions

Who is building ethOS?
Freedom Factory is the organization currently developing the open-source ethOS mobile device operating system. Our global team consists of members that came together organically in 2021 to build ethOS, and we are passionate about delivering crypto-first operating systems and devices that are as permissionless as the blockchains they integrate.
What mobile devices does ethOS run on?
Freedom Factory offers ethOS pre-installed on Pixel 7a phones, available by minting an NFT that can be burned and redeemed for delivery of the physical device.

Additionally, anyone can “bring their own device” and install ethOS for free on their own Pixel 7a with our easy web installer tool.

Finally, while more technical, as an open-source fork of the Graphene operating system, anyone can create their own builds of ethOS for any mobile device that Graphene supports. See our GitHub here.
What is the history of ethOS offerings so far?
ethOS V1 was based off of the open source Lineage operating system, and was available through our easy web installer for free download onto Pixel 3, 3XL, and 5a phones.

In early 2023 we re-deployed ethOS as a fork of the Graphene operating system, offering greater security and range of devices that builds can be compiled for. Later in the year we also offered standalone devices with ethOS preinstalled, in the form of our limited “Nouns” edition mint of Pixel 7as. In 2024, we are offering regular edition mints of Pixel 7a’s running ethOS, while we continue cooking up the next phase of our dedicated hardware offerings ;)
Can I review the code?
What is a Light Node?
Can I run ethOS on an emulator?
Yes! In addition to physical devices, ethOS can also be run on emulators. Just follow our detailed instructions on how to set it up in conjunction with this repo, and reach out to us in our Discord if you need any help.
How do I get involved?
If you are an app developer that is interested in building for ethOS, or want to contribute to ethOS development in any capacity directly, we would love to hear from you! Please stop by our Discord and introduce yourself, and let us know what you have in mind.

If you want to try ethOS, you can do so for free by using our easy web-installer to download it onto your own Pixel 7a, or purchase one directly from us on our mint page.